Sea La Vie Voyage Royale Delamer “Reine”

By GCH CH Lochryan N' Lomar The Journeyman x CH Delamer Isle Be In The Bahamas

True to her name, Reine carries herself with the grace and elegance of a queen. Her beautifully balanced structure, refined angles, and effortless movement give her a regal presence both in and out of the ring. Beyond her striking conformation, Reine is a deeply affectionate companion, always eager to share her warmth and devotion with those around her.

Show Highlights

  • Winners Bitch – 2025 Carroll Kennel Club under Mr. Jeffrey Bazell

We look forward to watching Reine continue her royal journey, reigning in the ring and in our hearts at Sea La Vie Schipperkes!


Delamer Isle Of Gold Sea La Vie "Jewel"